Object-oriented Programming


1. Go不是纯面向对象的语言

Golang不是一个纯面向对象的语言,摘自Golang [FAQ](This excerpt taken from Go's FAQs answers the question of whether Go is Object Oriented.) ,解释了golang是否为面向对象的语言。

Yes and no. Although Go has types and methods and allows an object-oriented style of programming, there is no type hierarchy. The concept of “interface” in Go provides a different approach that we believe is easy to use and in some ways more general. There are also ways to embed types in other types to provide something analogous—but not identical—to subclassing. Moreover, methods in Go are more general than in C++ or Java: they can be defined for any sort of data, even built-in types such as plain, “unboxed” integers. They are not restricted to structs (classes).


可以使用struct代替类,如果需要使用可见性约束的类,可以定义包内类型,然后定义exported methods ,定义New() T作为构造器的模拟,同时使用其他方法,使得接收器为该类型变量:

// Define the struct with all fields exported
type employee struct {
  firstName, lastName string
  totalLeaves, leavesTaken int

// Exported method with a receiver of Employee
func (e employee) LeavesRemaining() {
  fmt.Printf("%s %s has %d leaves remaining.\n",
              e.firstName, e.lastName, (e.totalLeaves - e.leavesTaken))

// New function as a Constructor
func New(firstName, lastName string, totalLeaves, leavesTaken int)  employee {
  e := employee {firstName, lastName, totalLeaves, leavesTaken}
  return e

// Property of employee
func (e employee) GetFirstName() string {
  return e.firstName

func (e employee) GetLastName() string {
  return e.lastName

func (e employee) GetTotal() int {
  return e.totalLeaves

2. 使用组合代替继承


2.1 结构体的嵌套


// author of the post
type author struct {
  firstName, lastName string
  bio string

// get the author full name
func (a author) AuthorName() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", a.firstName, a.lastName)

// struct of post, `author` field promoted
// so Post type can use `AuthorName` directly
type Post struct {
  Title string
  Content string

func (p Post) Detail() {
  fmt.Println("Post:", p.Title)
  fmt.Println("Content:", p.Content)
  fmt.Println("Author:", p.AuthorName())
  fmt.Println("Bio", p.bio)

2.2 嵌套的切片类型


type website struct {  
func (w website) contents() {  
    fmt.Println("Contents of Website\n")
    for _, v := range w.posts {


syntax error: unexpected [, expecting field name or embedded type

2.3 在其他包使用

如果一个含有unexported field的struct需要在包外使用,需要在包外初始化该对象,那么可以通过package.NewT(), 方法来作为该对象的一个构造器。即使内部嵌套类型有一个无法导出的域,也需要使用该方式。

// post/website.go
package post

import "fmt"

// define the websites struct which contains posts
type WebSite struct {
  Posts []Post

// display the website msssage
func (w WebSite) Display() {
  fmt.Println("The content of the website:\n")
  for _, po := range w.Posts {
// post/post.go
package post

/* define the post struct */
import (

// author of the post
type author struct {
  firstName, lastName string
  bio string

// get the author full name
func (a author) AuthorName() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", a.firstName, a.lastName)

func Newauthor(firstName, lastName, bio string) author {
  return author{firstName, lastName, bio}

// struct of post, `author` field promoted
// so Post type can use `AuthorName` directly
type Post struct {
  Title string
  Content string

func NewPost(title, content string, a author) Post {
  return Post{title, content, a}

func (p Post) Detail() {
  fmt.Println("Post:", p.Title)
  fmt.Println("Content:", p.Content)
  fmt.Println("Author:", p.AuthorName())
  fmt.Println("Bio:", p.bio)

3. 多态 Polymorphism



package main

import (  

type Income interface {  
    calculate() int
    source() string

type FixedBilling struct {  
    projectName string
    biddedAmount int

type TimeAndMaterial struct {  
    projectName string
    noOfHours  int
    hourlyRate int

func (fb FixedBilling) calculate() int {  
    return fb.biddedAmount

func (fb FixedBilling) source() string {  
    return fb.projectName

func (tm TimeAndMaterial) calculate() int {  
    return tm.noOfHours * tm.hourlyRate

func (tm TimeAndMaterial) source() string {  
    return tm.projectName

func calculateNetIncome(ic []Income) {  
    var netincome int = 0
    for _, income := range ic {
        fmt.Printf("Income From %s = $%d\n", income.source(), income.calculate())
        netincome += income.calculate()
    fmt.Printf("Net income of organisation = $%d", netincome)

func main() {  
    project1 := FixedBilling{projectName: "Project 1", biddedAmount: 5000}
    project2 := FixedBilling{projectName: "Project 2", biddedAmount: 10000}
    project3 := TimeAndMaterial{projectName: "Project 3", noOfHours: 160, hourlyRate: 25}
    incomeStreams := []Income{project1, project2, project3}


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