LaoZi & Confucius

  • Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. Confucius

  • The Dao hides in wordlessness. Only the Dao is well begun and well completed.


  • The great square is cornerless The great vessel is last complete, The great note is rarified sound, The great image has no form.

    Laozi (Tao Te Ching)

  • The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.


  • Once the whole is divided, the parts need names. There are already enough names. One must know when to stop.

    Laozi (Tao Te Ching)

  • When in the light, can’t see anything in the darkness. When in the darkness, can see everything in the light.

    Guan Yin Zi

  • The great Tao flows everywhere, both to the left and to the right.

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